Monday, January 27, 2014

Being Single


Is there any problem for being a single woman when your age turn to 3 series? I think there is not a big problem even though at time i need accompany to do things together, or when i am sad or happy that i feel like sharing it with someone.

I will not share full story of mine for being single at this age but do you know there is a dating sites for Catholic singles? I was bump into this sites while searching for some Catholic faith readings about vocations. This site is call Catholic Match. If you want to know more about this site, just click the link and discover yourself. I join the site as a free user about a month already but i did not really make any effort to find or search for my other half. Why? Because most of the users are more than 8,000 miles away from me. I am not quite sure if it will works. Well, there is success stories shared in the blog of this site called CatholicMatch Institute. If you think you want to give it a try, just go for it. I am not really serious about using this dating sites to search for my soulmate yet. *wink*

Well, i also frequently received an email from the MD of this site Ms. Robyn Lee. One of the email she sent is the article title Is Single Life a Vocation? Let me share with you what is this article says:

Dear Rose,

Today I was browsing the CatholicMatch Institute blog and I couldn't help but re-watch Rob and Kimberly's engagement video. Just watch the first 30 seconds and you'll be hooked. Believe me.

After I finished drying my eyes from the engagement video, I clicked over to my college website and glanced at the graduate courses for 2014. You’d think with all this schooling I would be fully prepared to answer any theological question thrown at me. I can spout out verbatim the definitions in the Catechism, but when a guy in a crowded bar wants to know why I won't go home with him, my textual definitions on marriage falls flat. When I try to explain that I am waiting until marriage, he almost falls off his bar stool. His fascination (like I’m some rare species at the science museum), brings more questions.

I admit that with all my higher education, I struggle with being concrete. Many times I talk in the clouds and watch as my friends' eyes start to glaze over. I decide not to give any more technical definitions to my bar friend, but I will correct his false pretense that the Church thinks sex is evil. I explain that the Church holds the sexual act to be a beautiful, holy and selfless gift between a man and a woman in marriage. My beer buddy looks shocked and says, “that must be a new teaching in the Church.” I smile and respond, “it has always been that way.” 

My guy friend walks away realizing that I won't be accompanying him that evening, and even though it stings, I know it was the right choice. I don't want to wake up with regret or a feeling of emptiness. As Catholics, we know there is more.

And it is worth the wait.

Robyn Lee
Managing Editor

What she says about her experienced must be experienced by some of us. It is not easy to defend our faith but as long as we are very clear about our church teachings, we obey it and live it. God will always guide us and protect us from temptation of the devil.

Live our life Holy because our body is the Temple of The Holy Spirit.

Blessed & Grateful, 
Little Rose


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