A Broken Trust

Photo credit to BleedingDesperation at deviantART

Trust is not easy to built. It takes times. It might takes years and years to built trust. Once it been built, it take more challenges to keep the trust. However, once it is broken, what do you think you will do? If the trust was built within a year and crashed only in one day, will you trust the person again? Do you think you will give the person a second chance? Do you think the person deserve to be given a second chance?

My personal view about it. It will takes years and years and years for me to give the same trust that has been broken. I will forgive but unfortunately i can't forget the incidence that makes my trust gone. I can give a second chance but will always think twice about whatever the person did because i just can't trust the person totally like before.

However, i am grateful to God for giving me this love that makes me be able to forgive and heal the brokenness.

Heal the broken heart,


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