
Showing posts from 2025

My Reflection ~ Sign of God’s Love

This is my third week teaching Sunday School at my parish. I am glad that I really looking forward and put my heart in it this time. I used to assist the main teacher in a different parish a few years back but I always feel burdened. I always have excuses for not be able to help the formation ministries in that church.  Today, is the first week of Lent and my nine years old students seems to be excited to be in the class. I have commited a mortal sins that I could not confess but as I teach my class today, I was touched to see the respond from my pure and naive young students. When I asked them to give me an answer to this question, “If i caught in a fire, I would………” they gave different answers. However, one of my student (let give him name Arthur), answered me with this answer…. “…I would pray to God that He will send people to help me and my family…” At the age of nine, he know who Jesus is and he have a very special relationship with Jesus. The first thing he remember is GOD. H...