My Reflection ~ Sign of God’s Love
This is my third week teaching Sunday School at my parish. I am glad that I really looking forward and put my heart in it this time. I used to assist the main teacher in a different parish a few years back but I always feel burdened. I always have excuses for not be able to help the formation ministries in that church.
Today, is the first week of Lent and my nine years old students seems to be excited to be in the class. I have commited a mortal sins that I could not confess but as I teach my class today, I was touched to see the respond from my pure and naive young students. When I asked them to give me an answer to this question, “If i caught in a fire, I would………” they gave different answers. However, one of my student (let give him name Arthur), answered me with this answer…. “…I would pray to God that He will send people to help me and my family…” At the age of nine, he know who Jesus is and he have a very special relationship with Jesus. The first thing he remember is GOD. How beautiful to see this pure soul giving this answer.
After my class, I was in dillema whether to attend the Eucharistic mass at 11.30am or just go back home and finish my packing. I need to catch a flight at 4pm, and I need to be at the airport at least by 2.45pm so I will have ample time to check in my bags. However, I decided to stay and attend the mass. I missed receiving the Eucharist, so I determined to go and confess my sin today if the confession room is open. I keep on checking if the light at that room is lit. God always makes Himself available. The priest came and ready to hear our confessions. Without thinking twice, I went. It was a beautiful confession and I feel my burdened, my worries, my stress is lifted up. He loved me so much and He has been waiting for me to repent and be in relationship with Him again.
When I do my penance and then receiving the body of Christ during the liturgy, I know for sure, God use that boy to be His instruments and open my heart to go for a confession. God loves us so much and He will never abandoned His children alone.
Thank you, Lord for today. I hope you also received God’s abundant love and blessings today! Happy Lenten Season!
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