
Travel: Pulong Tau National Park (Day 2)

My first site assessment begins today. I need to find a suitable place inside the park or adjacent to the park boundary. It is a bit challenging for me because I need to make sure this site is close (~5m) to any water sources, and flat area.   The first site that I went is a rocky stream near one of the villager’s farm. It is a nice place because of the accessibility and it has open and falt area. However, it is near the farm and the rocky stream has one side intact forest and the other side is this villager’s farm. So, it is a disturbed areas. One of the main concerns is the safety of the weather station which I will establish. While we were there, i got a chance to look around the farm. Uncle Lian grow a lot of fruit trees and vegetables.  Capturing memories under the fruiting ‘jambu air’.  On the way back, we saw a snake on the branch. I thought it was a vine but, as I walk closer and saw the head, only then I recognised it was a snake.  Green Vine Snake ( Ahaetul...

Travel: Pulong Tau National Park (Day 1)

  *Disclaimer: Note that my writing in this blog will have a lot of grammatical error because I have decided not to use any apps to assist me here. This is purely just the level of my English at this point of time. I wish to keepo improve my writing skills as I write here.  Photo source: ITTO Project Document I am going to Pulong Tau National Park for seven days and I am excited. I am thrilled to discover what new adventure awaits me at this new place. I never been to this park and not even Bario - the Kelabit Highlands - which is a famous tourist destination in Sarawak. I want to see the people, the place, and of course what animals and plants are living in this most interior parts of Sarawak.  This trip is for one of the project that I manage at my work. This project gave me a chance to explore at least three new Sarawak’s Totally Protected Areas: Pulong Tau NP, Maludam NP, and Tun Ahmad Zaidi Nature Reserve.  Today, I will fly to Bario via Miri and will transit Ma...

My Reflection ~ Sign of God’s Love

This is my third week teaching Sunday School at my parish. I am glad that I really looking forward and put my heart in it this time. I used to assist the main teacher in a different parish a few years back but I always feel burdened. I always have excuses for not be able to help the formation ministries in that church.  Today, is the first week of Lent and my nine years old students seems to be excited to be in the class. I have commited a mortal sins that I could not confess but as I teach my class today, I was touched to see the respond from my pure and naive young students. When I asked them to give me an answer to this question, “If i caught in a fire, I would………” they gave different answers. However, one of my student (let give him name Arthur), answered me with this answer…. “…I would pray to God that He will send people to help me and my family…” At the age of nine, he know who Jesus is and he have a very special relationship with Jesus. The first thing he remember is GOD. H...

A Way Out from the Misery Feeling

Photo Credit to Google Image Search There are moments when the weight of everything feels unbearable—my family, my job, my entire life. I'm exhausted, and the constant stress and drama swirling around me make it hard to breathe. Recently, I've hit some of the lowest lows I've ever experienced. Yet, I know this isn't a new feeling for me; I've grappled with these shadows before. After returning from grad school, I began to feel a sense of healing thanks to the therapy I received while I was there. But just two months back home, and once again, the familiar triggers that send me spiraling have come knocking at my door. One particularly tough trigger? The narcissistic personalities at my workplace. I don't think I'm mentally prepared to face them again when I return. I still vividly recall how warm and inviting they were on my first day, and I unwittingly fell for their façade of 'kindness' and 'support.' Looking back, I realize it was a clever ...

What's New?

I promise my buddy I will get back to blogging again. She told me that I inspired her to blog. Pssst!!! Visit her blog ( So, Just Breath ) here because she is a good blogger. I met her while pursuing my graduate degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from June 2023 until August 2024. We make good buddies because of our craziness and clicks in many areas. However, I could become her mother if I married young. Age is just a number, and I still feel young in my soul. LOL.  Okay, what's new with me?  I wrapped up my graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in August 2024, but the real thrill came when I celebrated with my fellow graduates during the Spring ceremony! The excitement didn't stop there—I got ENGAGED! Woohoo! 🎉  After heading back to my home country, I dived right back into the office, and it felt like stepping back into my life exactly how I left it in June 2023. What an incredible journey! Note: I apologize for not having a good photos to ...

Fundraising for Graduate Study in the USA

I never thought that I will finally decide to set up a crowdfunding page to raise funds for my graduate study. It was mixed feelings because I never did something like this before. In the beginning, it felt wrong because I know and am aware there are a lot less fortunate people out there that need cash to survive the day. As the deadlines for enrollment get closer, I start to feel anxious that I will not make it. After a few months of searching for potential scholarships available in Malaysia and the USA, I get to a dead end. Most of these scholarships are closed for applications or I am not eligible because of certain criteria that I could not meet. This is the ultimatum that makes me decide to finally do this. Besides, I get strong backup and support from Dr Alison that I should do this. Although in the beginning, it was my best friend, Najjah that came out with this idea which I did not even think of. Here is the link to my crowdfunding page:  Fundraising for Graduate Study in t...

Ash Wednesday 2023

  Source: CatholicLink Today is the beginning of the Lent season for the year 2023. I have felt so lost these past few days because I was trying to find available funding to be applied for me to pursue my degree. However, I met a dead end. I no longer see it will be possible for me to go this coming June. However, I must put my trust in the Lord that He will provide. Let His will be done and not mine. Let my desire align with His will for me. Therefore, I will try my very best to put my total trust in the Lord.   As I open my Spotify web player this morning, this podcast shows in my podcast playlist. Thank you Dr Edward Sri for this beautiful sharing.  Do you trust the Father? Then, I saw this video on my YouTube channel notifications. This young priest has a pearl of great wisdom and I think this one is meant for me too. Thank you, Lord, for all this talk and sermon.  He will help you.  May you have a blessed Lent these coming months. God bless.